January 30, 2013

Gleam by Melanie Mills

If you're looking for that perfect velvet, bronzed glow then look no further.  McLean Dermatology and Skincare Center is happy to announce we now carry Gleam Body Radiance created by Emmy award-winning makeup artist Melanie Mills.

Melanie started her Gleam line in 2010 while working on the set of ABC's Dancing with the Stars, and soon her brand was made known to A-list celebrities.

Gleam Body Radiance provides that perfect spray tan finish in seconds and made with ingredients that are actually good for your skin.  Olive oil, green tea extract, and jojoba seed oil are just a few healthy agents that help nourish the skin while leaving a gleam-tastic effect!

January 28, 2013

Under Eye Concealer vs. Blemish Concealer

Conceal (kuh n – seel): to hide or remove from observation; cover from sight; keep secret.

We are well aware of what a concealer can do for our unwelcome facial flaws.  It’s no secret that we utilize makeup to cover up unwanted blemishes from the public eye.  There is a difference though between under eye concealer and blemish concealer. Do NOT use one product for both problems because they are not the same.

The trick to getting the perfect concealer is based on color, not product. The redness caused by a blemish is best concealed with a green or yellow-toned concealer. Choose one that is the same color of your skin tone. 

For those persistent under eye circles that are a blue/brown hue, choose a pink-toned concealer.  For the region under your eyes, the concealer should be several shades lighter than your skin color. This highlights your eyes giving them a fresh, bright look.

Each problem area has a different cause and a different regimen for proper coverage.

What comes first, foundation or concealer? Always put foundation on first and then highlight with the concealer.  Using a makeup brush will provide the best coverage for both foundation and concealer. Choosing the right color to fit the problem will give you the best results. 

Remember makeup not only conceals but also contours your face so choose wisely!

January 22, 2013

Mythbusters Edition: Q & A with Dr. Lily

Q: Do goosebumps cause hair growth?

A: No, goosebumps occur when the muscles around the hair follicle contracts causing the base of the follicle to push up and sit higher above the skin’s surface.  This results in the prickly feeling when you get goosebumps. Once the goosebumps subside, your hair will relax back to its original position.

Q: Is it true that you should only wash your face once a day?

A: Everyone envies that blemish-free complexion, but washing your face several times throughout the day may be your downfall.  You only need to wash your face with a cleanser once a day, advisable at night before bed.  Choose your cleansers well because not all face washes are one-size-fits-all.  For sensitive skin, look for cleansers that are hypoallergenic and fragrance-free like the Avene Extremely Gentle Cleanser sold in our office.  And be sure to wash with lukewarm water; anything too hot will dissolve your skin’s natural oils and cause dry skin.


Q: Does Vitamin E really help fade scars?

A: For years people have been convinced that Vitamin E helps to improve and fade scars such as stretch marks, acne scars, and help heal wounds.  There is no scientific evidence to confirm that Vitamin E helps heal scars.  It actually has been linked to acne and blemishes.  No current evidence has proven that Vitamin E speeds the healing process and improves the overall look.

Q: Does your diet have any effect on how your skin ages?
A: High-glycemic foods such as rice, pasta, bread, and sweets are skin enemies. These carb-loaded foods trigger the body to produce more insulin causing age-accelerating inflammation. Instead, try eating colorful vegetables that fight swelling and redness. Recent studies have shown that those who eat more green and yellow vegetables have fewer wrinkles. If that isn’t motivation to go grocery shopping, I don’t know what is.

Q: Do my facial expressions contribute to my wrinkles?

A: Yes, the muscles between the eyes, the forehead, and around the eyes (crow’s feet) form from our facial expressions.  Over the years, the lines can etch in the skin and become noticeable even at rest.  The only treatment and prevention of these is Botox.

January 21, 2013

Cut the C.R.A.P. for 2013

If you are looking to create a healthier version of you in 2013, C-caffeine, R-refined sugar, A-alcohol and P-processed foods should be consumed in moderation. Coffee should be limited to two cups a day. A little caffeine is known to burn fat however, too much can stimulate cortisol production and interfere with your metabolism. Green tea is a great alternative to coffee and you can drink as much as you like. Sugary foods should also be kept to a minimum. Studies show that 40 to 60 percent of the sugar you eat is converted to body fat.

Alcohol use is a slippery slope. Moderate drinking can offer some health benefits however, too much can lead to serious health consequences. The key to alcohol consumption is moderation. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines recommend no more than one drink a day for women and no more than two drinks a day for men.

Processed foods are harder to digest, absorb and eliminate from your body. Products containing the following ingredients should be avoided:
·       Nitrates and nitrites (including sodium nitrite
·       Sulfites (including metabisulfites)
·       Sulfur dioxide
·       Benzoic acid (aka sodium benzoate)
·       BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene)
·       BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole)
·       Coloring
·       MSG (monosodium glutamate)
·       Refined or bleached flour (i.e. whitened using chloride oxide)

No need to eliminate all of your favorite foods from your diet-just consume them in moderation for a healthier you!

January 17, 2013

Steps to Insure a Smooth Shave

Shaving can be rough on your skin particularly in the winter months. Shaving bumps can best be avoided with the following technique:

1. Before you shave, wet your skin and hair to soften it.
2.             Next, apply a shaving cream or if you have dry skin, hair conditioner works best.
3.             Shave in the direction that the hair grows. Never shave against the grain!
4.             Change blades or throw away disposable razors after 5 to 7 shaves to help minimize irritation. Do not leave razors in the shower. Mold and bacteria grow on the blades in moist environments.
5. Men/Women who have acne should take special care while shaving. Shaving can irritate your skin, making acne worse.
If you have acne on your face, try experimenting with electric or disposable blade razors to see which work best for you.
Use a razor with a sharp blade.
Shave lightly to prevent nicks and never try to shave off the acne as both can make acne worse.
6.   Always apply a moisturizer after shaving.

If you have questions or concerns about caring for your skin or irritating shaving bumps, you should make an appointment to see Dr. Lily.